
Lotus Herbals YouthRx Anti-aging Skin Night Cream 50g

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A natural anti-aging night crème that reveals younger looking skin every morning

Lotus Herbals Youth Rx Anti-aging Night Crème is a nourishing night crème that hydrates skin tired from the wear and tear of the day, while reducing fine lines and wrinkles. This light, easy to absorb formula is created using the revolutionary ‘Green Sciences’ technology which makes use of the ‘Gineplex Youth Compound’ created using potent natural derivatives. The effects of this ground-breaking anti-wrinkle night cream are visible right from day 1.

Gineplex Youth Compound

Gineplex Youth Compund created using the revolutionary ‘Green Science’ technology. It consists of the potent extracts of:


Ginseng is a natural ingredient which increases the regeneration capacity of skin cells making your skin feeling younger, more supple and radiant

Zingiber Officinale (Ginger)

Ginger extracts work naturally on your skin to reduce hypopigmented scars and reduce dark spots and blemishes, leaving you with even toned skin that glows.

Milk Peptides

Milk peptides nourish your skin from within and aid in the production of collagen which boost skin elasticity and infuse it with natural youth and vitality.

Benefits of Lotus Herbals Youth Rx Anti-aging Night Crème

Some of the most obvious benefits of this easy to use anti-aging night crème are:

Younger looking skin right from the first application

This light, easy-to-absorb anti-wrinkle night crème seeps into skin and reduces the size of the pores, reduces fine lines and wrinkles and improves skin elasticity to reveal younger looking skin from day1.

Reduces dark spots and blemishes

This natural anti-aging night crème evens out your skin tone by reducing dark spots, blemishes and hypopigmented scars, leaving you with healthy-looking, glowing skin every morning.

Hydrates and nourishes skin

This enriching anti-aging night crème has hydrating properties which reduces the appearance of dry patches and leaves your skin feeling soft, supple and pampered.

Safe for sensitive skin

Created using the ground breaking ‘Green Science’ Technology, the Gineplex Youth Compound used in the unique formulation of this anti-wrinkle, anti-aging crème is derived from potent natural ingredients, making this product safe even for sensitive skin.


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